We are here....we are really here... I just came halfway round the world with 4 children and a fear of flying!! We are at the bottom of the world..upside down...it just doesn't feel real at all!
*HUGE* thanks to the wonderful Air New Zealand and to all of you who sent prayers and good vibes and white light for getting us here safe and sound..we love you all!
The second flight was pretty boring and thankfully the children slept for most of it..I haven't slept for 3 days and nights. I have adrenalin surging through me though so I am ok. We stayed les than an hour in LA as the flight was already late and landed in Auckland around 7.00am I think. I was given Indian Samosa's for breakfast pretty funky really but I didn't feel much like eating at the time.
The guy who saw us through passport control who did our visitors permits etc was wonderful..really friendly and welcoming..he even moved his closed sign so he could see us through! I struggled with the luggage but we managed with the help of a wheelchair and 2 trolleys! Next was the bio security check when all the bags were x-rayed....they were pretty amazed to see tons of books..lego, a computer, a sewing machine..board games etc!! Guy asked if we actually brought any clothes!! Phoebe's buzzy bee wellies had to be taken and sanitised..hadn 't realised they had put those in the case.
When we finally cleared immigration we went into the arrivals lounge and were met by Chris and Gary..friends we had met online in NZ....a big thank myou tom you guys for being there :)
And so at around 8.30am on Saturday February 12th we finally set foot on Kiwiland....and the heat was burning down...and I just feel nlike I am on another planet. All I wanted was a cold pint of lager but t'was not to be had at that hour of the morning..so I settled for a huge chunk of watermelon!!!