Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy Foot :)

My foot is happy.....

Water of Love

High and dry in the long hot day
Lost and lonely in every way
Got the flats all around me sky up above
I need a little water of love

I’ve been too long lonely and my heart feels pain
Crying out for some soothing rain
I believe I have taken enough
I need a little water of love

Water of love deep in the ground
No water here to be found
Some day baby when the river runs free
It’ll carry that water of love to me........

New Years Eve.....time to reflect...

on what was, and what is, and what I would like to be...

So I lay in the burning sun, by this beautiful South Island river

..... and try to connect, with the higher ones....

Friday, December 30, 2005

Lambs and Lovers...

I wake in the morning, and there are always at least two lambs on the deck outside my bedroom doors. We have two of our own, but they appear to have had *relations* visiting for Christmas! This is ok, until Draco Moonboots (pictured above..) decides to try and bullfight with them. We really love them being around though.

Watching Romeo and Juliet..the modern one, the girls got it for far the general view here is *awful* ! Tabitha's production at school was waaaaaaay better!!!

A really neat day..with great company...had a few of those lately, and I ain't complaining :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I trust.....

..the perfection of the Universe....

and send out love and harmony and peace...and more flowers.....

I have never been in a position in my life before, when I know so very clearly, what I want....

..but I am there now....

So I have to focus....and trust and believe that the Universe will do right by me

....and it ain't as easy as it sounds.....

Flowers....and pink things..

....never been very girly, but maybe it's time I started. I want to be female, I want a Knight to fight my dragons, and I want flowers!!!

These are some of my flowers..the lovely woven grass ones, Pollyanna made me for Christmas...I feel blessed.... flowers and a knight, what more could I ask?

Don't tempt me ;-p

PS. Feminine or not I still refuse to wear murk up....except maybe toenail varnish

..oh and yeah I would love to be painted...but we won't go there just now.....


Was due for a really good sleep but the phone rang at 5.50am...


......woke me from an interesting kind of dream

...hmmm odd that..very odd....

*Anyway* I am feeling out of sorts..... gonna go bathe in some magic.....

Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas on the beach...

..the stuff of all my nitemares!!! But that was before I realised my true birthright...

Hey yeah we did it..

Boxing day at the beach with new friends!

This is Pollyanna, Tom and Mana...just chilling....

The heat of the sand..... the feel of it under my feet, the smell of the pine tree's... sound of the waves..was just awesome!

Maybe I should move here....gypsy soul comes to the fore...I always wanted to be a beach bum when I grew up though....

..the sea was cool but nice, Tabby did some bodysurfing..brave kid o mine!!!

Lovely weather, beautiful place and wonderful company....found some neat stones too....

Now I *am* a Kiwi..but that was never in doubt.......

Sunday, December 25, 2005

..from Dragons.....

Christmas night...

...warm earth beneath my feet... burning back, still holding the heat of the sun..

....or is it the fiery breath of the dragon,

in the sky above the woolshed.....

What I got for Christmas....

A Knight in shining armour..!

Who was it that said we must create our own reality, and live in our own dreams?

So here he Knight!

Just what I wished for.....all that reading to Boo of The Once and Future King has paid off ;-)

Friday, December 23, 2005

And then...

..there is the Angel of darkness...

.... which is not so good.....

....but I guess we have to go there.... light without dark....


Angels were around abundance....

life feels warm, and cosy and embracing...

maybe it *is* time that I began to trust....

in the universal love that surrounds me.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Baby is *FIVE* ...

Phoebe..our Winter Solstice baby is a big 5 !!!

Good day, we chilled out at home after three hectic days in town.....

Local paper came to interview us...

Life feels good.....

....a few dreams to sort out, but I'll get there :)


The longest day..Summer Solstice, my first in my beloved Kiwiland.

Last year this was the Winter Solstice, but I like it this way round right now!

Went outside this morning and took photo's...not great and this one is full of sunspots *but* I like it this way; anyway my lens hood has disappeared :(

The moon was in the sky too, they looked towards each other and everything felt right with the world......

Friday, December 16, 2005

Heal or Hurt?

Thats the current burning question..not sure of the answer right now......

I need to be healed....enlightened; but it has to be right. I do believe in energy, and respect it, so this stuff has to be right for me......

Hurt I think......but then maybe I should choose *HEAL*

Monday, December 05, 2005

Goin' Back

I feel like goin' back

Back where there's nowhere to stay

When fire fills the sky

I'll still remember that day

These rocks I'm climbing down

Have already left the ground

Careening through space.....